Is a minimally invasive heat treatment to reduce excessive menstrual bleeding in pre-menopausal women who are having heavy periods due to benign causes. It takes about 30 minutes to perform and requires no hospital stay. To date, more than 300,000 women worldwide have been treated with Thermachoice.
It can be performed under local anesthesia.
Recovery is fast - many women return to their normal activities the next day.
Thermachoice is also effective. After treatment most women can expect light to moderate periods, or possibly no periods at all.
90 % of women are satisfied with the result after 5 years.
Prior to the procedure, more than 70% of these women felt that their heavy periods had been having a negative impact on their lives. Following treatment, only about 2% felt that way after 3 years.
Nearly 3 out of 4 of women treated 3 years (post-treatment) experienced a reduction in menstrual pain and cramping associated with their period.
Nearly 2 out of 3 women reported mild or no PMS symptoms at 3 years.
Three years after being treated, 79% of women had either normal, light or no bleeding at all.
Thermachoice Balloon and Introducer
Thermachoice Balloon
Thermachoice Central Unit