serag youssif at home

serag youssif at home

videourethrocystometrogram  serag youssif

videourethrocystometrogram serag youssif

cystometrogram stress incontinence serag youssif

cystometrogram stress incontinence serag youssif

videourethrocystometrogram  youssif serag

videourethrocystometrogram youssif serag

Videourethrocystogram is used to assess bladder, urethral and pelvic floor muscle functions. It measures bladder muscle pressure, pressure inside bladder, pressure inside abdomen, pressure inside urethra, flow of urine and electrical activity in the perineal muscles. It shows bladder base movement, bladder and urethral diverticuli and reflux of urine back to kidneys.
Stress Incontinence and
Bladder Base Descent 
Note drop of urine
at bottom of film